Does it make sense to ship products around the world and sell them cheaper than products that are cultivated around the corner? Not really, right? But this is what often happens in the supermarkets.
We don’t have to go and buy those products, though. Pay attention where the food comes from and pick the one that come from your region or at least country whenever possible. Especially when you are living in smaller villages there are often farmers that sell their fruits and vegetables directly on their farm or on a weekly market.
It is even possible to get those goods delivered. To give you an example, we have discovered an association that delivers ecological products from local farmers directly to our home. Like this, we have high quality seasonal food from our region without any plastic packaging and don’t even have to leave our home. This is especially ideal as one of the biggest pain points when not buying everything in the supermarket is having to go to different stores which results very time-consuming.