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25 ideas for fun family activities

Fun Family Activities

Has it ever happened to you that weekend or vacation has arrived “all of a sudden” and you have no clue what to do as a family and how to entertain the kids? To me that happens quite regularly. I am often so busy with the day to day activities that I don’t manage to organize anything upfront, and if another weekend passes without anything special, me and/or the kids get frustrated. And with special I don’t mean a weekend trip to Venice but small things that put a smile on our face, nice moments that create memories.

So I thought I would start putting together a list of those little ideas for fun family activities – and many of them don’t even involve much planning! There are indoor and outdoor suggestions for both small and bigger kids, so there should be something for everyone!

1. Do a bike trip

Take the bike and off you go. Kids on their own bikes, in the child seat or the trailer, depending on their age. Have a ride into nature, grab some snacks and get rid of that accumulated energy. If there is a special destination like an ice cream shop, kids will be even more enthusiastic.

2. Go to a museum

Science museums and some art museums for example are a great way to keep kids entertained, and the whole family can learn something new. Some are quite interactive and even offer activities.

3. Visit the zoo or a wildlife park

It does not always have to be the big zoo with huge wild animals, often there are smaller parks where you can see indigenous animals like deers, etc.

4. Visit a farm

Kids love animals. Check if there’s a farm in the region that offers educational sessions for kids where animals are explained and they are able to feed and touch some of them.

5. Horse riding

Another favorite. In some places they even offer “introduction” classes where the children brush the ponies and learn some basics.

6. Planting and gardening.

Strawberries, tomatoes, herbs, sunflowers … there are no limits to your imagination.

7. Trip to the sea / lake / pond

Water has a magic influence on us, it helps our mind rest. If you live close to the sea, spend the day at the beach. If not, maybe there is a lake or even just a pond where you can go and maybe feed some ducks or spot some fish or turtles. For the elder ones, you can plan a rafting or canoeing trip for additional adrenaline.

8. Have a picnic

My kids tend to eat a lot more when outside than at home. So grab some sandwiches, prepare some pasta, put some fruit into the backpack, the blanket and you are ready for a big adventure. Even if it’s just the park some streets away, having a picnic is always special.

9. Go hiking

Breathe some fresh air, move those muscles and explore new areas. If it’s in a national park with great landscape even better. In most cases you will find a visitor information that can let you know routes that are easy enough to do with kids.

10. Have a barbecue

If you are not lucky enough to have a garden with a barbecue, go and use a public one. These are often located in the middle of the nature so the kids can run around and play while you prepare the food. If you meet up with friends it’s even more fun.

11. Explore a new playground

Yes, as easy as this. Sometimes it is enough to visit just the next village or the other side of the city to find a playground with different games where the kids can let off steam. If you are lucky, you might even have some minutes for yourself while they explore their new kingdom.

12. Learn how to climb

For the ones with kids that are already a bit older, this is a great option to spend time together and get everyone out of their comfort zone.

13. Visit a cave

Going into a cave or a mine is very exciting, so go and benefit from a tour whenever you have the possibility.

14. Go to the theatre

This has become a bit more difficult due to the COVID-19 situation, but I love the atmosphere of theaters. There are plays for different ages, so look for one that might interest your children, you will not regret it.

15. Watch a movie

In the cinema or at home. A simple option for cold and rainy days.

16. Bake a cake or cookies

Again, something we do more often in the colder months, but not exclusively. The result never lasts long. :o) Check out this post to avoid having a nervous breakdown while baking with your kids.

17. Cook together

Ask your kids to join you for preparing the meals. They can help cut the ingredients, put the layers for the lasagna, add the topping to the pizza or stir the soup. This way they get familiarized with the different ingredients and might appreciate the effort you put into the preparation of the food.

18. Explore a castle

Castles are mysterious, full of history. I always loved visiting them, imagining the knights that rode along the narrow streets or the princesses living in the huge rooms. Many castles offer tours specifically for children and give them some idea what life was like back then.

19. Visit an unknown town / village

Of course, you will not be able to walk for hours and hours, but if you plan for stops at playgrounds, restaurants or ice cream shops, your kids will for sure be OK to discover the streets, squares and buildings with you.

20. Read a bunch of books together

We love books. Actually, we read every day. But in the day to day we do not always have the time to read ALL the stories the kids would like to hear, so cuddling with them on the couch and taking the time to read them as many books as they like is a great way to spend time together.

21. Play board or card games

Ludo, Monopoly, UNO, Memory … Depending on your children’s preferences and age there are lots of options. It is fun and teaches the children patience, they practice numbers…

22. Puzzles

Again, something we really like. You can do them together or have two puzzles with the same number of pieces and do a competition to see who finishes first.

23. Do some home crafts

Painting, coloring, playing with modelling clay or doing some paper crafts is a fun way to spend time together.

24. Go on a weekend trip

There are few things that are more exciting for kids than spending a night away. Whether it’s camping or booking an apartment, sleeping in another bed and “living” in another home for one or more days and exploring the surrounding is something the children will be remembering for a good while.

25. Spend the day at a fun pool

Surely, there is a pool somewhere near your home, right? The kids can practice how to float, swim and dive, use the slides and jump from the springboard. Some places have even huge fun centers that offer a wellness area, jacuzzis, massage nozzles and more. Fun and relax for the whole family.

You can also check out my post around How to make optimal use of your time for some additional ideas. 

What are your favorite fun family activities? Let me know, I would love to hear them!

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