If you have decided that you would like to change to a meaningful activity, what is the best way to proceed? There are job portals that have specialised specifically in this niche; for Germany, for example, these are GoodJobs, Jobverde.de or Nachhaltigejobs.de. The recruitment agency Talents4Good is also an interesting alternative for Germany. If you want to search worldwide, you should look at Greenjobs, Devex, Greenbiz, Netimpact or Skollworldforum. In Spain, Diarioresponsable is worth mentioning. However, you can also find what you are looking for by searching conventional portals such as Stepstone with terms like “sustainable” or “non-profit”.
If you are looking for a green job in Spain, it is worth pointing out that in its economic stimulus package to combat the Corona crisis, the Spanish government has declared the energy transition to be one of the four major pillars into which aid money is to flow, which should generate additional jobs in this area.