I am Silja.
Great to meet you!
Are you feeling you have too many things to juggle at once? Always feeling that the day just does not have enough hours to do everything that you should or would like to do? Do you feel like you never have even 5 minutes just for yourself?
Balanceyourlife.blog and work-life-balance
When I was thinking about this blog, I was thinking about work-life-balance. And the more I was thinking about it, the more I felt that the word work-life-balance does not really reflect today’s reality. With more and more people working from home there is a need to integrate work as seamlessly into the other parts of our lives as possible. The question is rather about balancing EVERYTHING in our life. Work and kids, household and leisure, friends and partner, duty and fun. How do we organize ourselves in order to pack all of this in our day and at the same time not forget to take care of ourselves? What are some tricks, mindsets or even products that help to keep me on track and that might help you as well?
Kids, Career and Sustainability
Being a working Mum can be a challenge. And on the other hand it is so rewarding. I am a mother of two amazing little daughters. I love spending time with my kids and see them grow up. See how they never stop learning, how they play, dance and sing. And a truly meant hug or cuddle of my kids is the best gift ever. At the same time I appreciate having some hours for myself and being able to grow professionally and personally by simply not being exclusively “Mum” 24/7.
I have worked in a career consultancy for almost two years and in a multinational for over 10 years. During my career I have sat on both sides of the recruitment table and have gained some insights that I would like to share. I will discuss some doubts that frequently come to our mind with regards to career, especially being a working Mum.
Another topic that is very dear to me is sustainability. I believe we should live in sync with nature and our communities rather than taking advantage of them. I will post some information related to sustainable living, some tips and tricks or products that help us living a “greener” and more conscious live.
That's me
I have a passion for communication and marketing. During my 12 years work experience I have worked in different areas such as Project Management, Customer Service, Customer Experience, eCommerce and Communication.
A German native, I have been living and working abroad since 2008. I love being around different cultures and languages – at the same time I still feel very strongly connected to my family and friends at the region where I grew up.
My newest project is about being a RINGANA FRESH Partner. This gives me the opportunity to build up a sustainable business with amazing natural skin care products and supplements while respecting my key values such as sustainability and fairness. Supported by a great mentor and team, I am completely free regarding how much time I spend, when I work and where I work.
And what about you?
So that was me. And what about you? How have you come across my blog, what would you like me to write about? You are welcome to just look around and read whatever interests you or reach out to me. I am looking forward to getting to know you. Your questions, your personal story and and tips and tricks you might want to share from your end as well. Enjoy!
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