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Power food – How to get more energy through eating

Power food

Who hasn’t been there – you are running late again and there is not enough time for breakfast in the morning, so you just sip a quick cup of coffee while trying to get everyone ready for school and office. At half morning you go for another cup of coffee, maybe with a cookie because your stomach is begging you to give him something solid and the next meeting is already starting so you need something quick. At lunch time you would love to do a proper break but it results your agenda doesn’t allow for it so you put a frozen pizza into the oven, eat your kids’ leftovers from breakfast or – if in the office – get a quick sandwich as this is all you have time for and anyways everything else is already sold out. 

In the afternoon you will obviously fall into the afternoon slump, trying to combat it with yet another coffee and a chocolate bar from the vending machine.

Sounds familiar? Probably most of us have similar habits. However, this is not only bad for your weight and health but it is also counterproductive. Nutritionists tell us that sugar leads to an increase in insulin which after a short spike sends us again into an even deeper slump, so the energy is going up and down. However, there are ways of getting extra energy by eating the right food. Let’s look at some of those so-called power foods that are quick to prepare and have lots of benefits. You might even get some ideas for your kid’s snacks or meals!

1. Avocado

One of my favorites. Avocados are rich of antioxidants and nutrients. You find plenty of different vitamins, minerals and omega 3 in them. You can add them to your salad or prepare a whole-grain avocado-bread or wrap filled with avocado cream, tomato, vegetables … Ideal for a quick lunch in the office.

2. Wholegrain bread with almond butter

Almonds are well-known as power foods. They may lower the risk of heart-disease and diabetes and contain plenty of vitamin E and unsaturated fats. They also boost brain activity and are alkaline-forming. Spreading some almond butter on a slice of wholegrain bread is a wonderful nutritious breakfast or snack.

Not sure where to buy it or don’t want any artificial ingredients? You can even prepare your own home-made almond-butter. Roast raw almonds for about 10 mins at 165 degrees in the oven, let them cool off a little until they are just warm and put them into a blender to get first a powdery and after a while a creamy consistency. Add a pinch of salt and in 10-15 minutes you have a wonderful home-made and sugar-free almond-butter. Let it cool completely and fill in an air-tight container – you can store it up to 2 months in the fridge.

3. Nuts and dried fruit / Trail mix

You might remember this from your childhood, your parents taking a mix of nuts and raisins when you went hiking or on a bike tour. The combination of proteins, fiber and fats will boost your energy levels. Best is to prepare your own trail mix with your favorite nuts and dried fruits. The trail mix also helps you feel filled up so it is a perfect solution for the afternoon slump. Just make sure that you don’t overeat – a handful is enough.

4. Greek yogurt with fruits

Greek yogurt provides you with much more proteins than milk, apart from vitamin B-12,  potassium and probiotics that are needed for healthy intestines. Add some berries or other fruit for additional vitamins and a great taste. You can also sprinkle in some chia seeds for extra protein and fiber. An absolute favorite as snack, especially after sports.

5. Self-made energy bars

Forget about the sticky sugary chocolate bars bought at the vending machine or supermarket. Prepare your own customized energy bars at home. There are plenty of recipes out there, based on oats, nuts, seeds, and depending on your preference some dark chocolate or berries. A wonderful combination of some of the above mentioned ingredients packed into small bars that are easy to fit into your handbag.

6. Smoothies

There is an endless number of smoothie recipes available, combining fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain, seeds and – optionally – dairy products. In short, depending on the Smoothie you prepare, it will provide you with the perfect combination of fiber, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Apart from the great taste (depending on the smoothie refreshing, nutty, creamy …) it keeps your body satisfied until the next meal. You can even have a smoothie for breakfast. Find some recipes here for a start.

7. Spinach Tortilla

Spinach tortilla is a combination of two superfoods: Eggs and spinach. Spinach has anti-cancer properties and can improve skin and hair health. It contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eggs also have plenty of healthy ingredients plus help you feel full for longer. You can either do regular tortillas and fill them with a tasty spinach filling, or you blend the spinach and mix it together with the eggs, creating green-colored tortillas that might even look attractive to your kids. This makes for a great quick lunch. If you want a gluten-free version, use chickpea flour instead. 

8. Hummus with vegetable sticks

Hummus is a great source of plant-based protein and a variety of other valuable nutrients like iron, folate, phosphorus and B vitamins. It also promotes digestive health and contains several ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties. Cut some carrots, sweet pebrots or cucumbres into sticks to dip into the hummus and you have a yummie and healthy snack.

You can also spread hummus on your bread or wrap, so it is quite versatile.

And here’s how to prepare home-made hummus: Use canned chickpeas or cook them at home until they are soft, add tahini (ground sesame seeds), lemon juice, garlic, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Then blend until smooth. You might also add some cumin for a more oriental taste.

9. Quinoa

High in carbs but with low glycemic index, this superfood releases its energy slowly and steadily. Not sure how to prepare it? There are plenty of recipes, mixing it with vegetables, as a salad or simply as a side-dish instead of white rice.

10. Oatmeal

Eating oats can lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. It helps your digestion and can even relieve skin itchings. Being complex carbohydrates, oats are absorbed slowly by the body which means they provide lasting energy.

I love oatmeal. Maybe it is because I grew up in Germany where Musli is a common breakfast or snack. I still love eating it, adding different fruits like banana, apple, berries as well as some dried plums and chia seeds. This is a nutritious meal and in combination with the fruits helps combat cravings as well. You can also add oats into an energy bar as mentioned above or into a vegetable soup to make it more creamy.

11. Bananas

A combination of complex carbs, potassium and vitamin B6 makes this fruit an ideal energy booster. Especially popular with athletes, this is a healthy snack that doesn’t need any preparation and is sooo tasty. If you are no fan of the texture, try it in a smoothie. 

12. Apples

Yes, again a fruit. Apples are rich of fiber and natural sugars that are released slowly. They also contain plenty of vitamins and have antioxidant ingredients. Do you know the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, something must be true about this. Pack it into your bag when leaving for the office and you have your snack ready.

13. Salmon

This fatty fish does not only have a great taste and tends to be popular even with kids, but it is a great source of protein, omega 3, and B vitamins. There are studies that suggest that Omega-3 can reduce fatigue. Plus, the vitamin B12 helps iron getting absorbed better by your body, which will also help you feel more energized.

14.Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are – exactly, sweet. So a perfect ally when you are suffering from cravings. Sweet potatoes are full of complex carbs and fiber, plus manganese and vitamin A, providing you with healthy lasting energy.

Cut them into French-Fries-like sticks and put them into the oven, then serve with some sour cream. Alternatively, add them to your vegetables or crush and mix with coconut milk and lemon juice to get a rich cream that can be combined with prawns to get a delicious meal.

15. Water

Excuse me, you will probably say, I thought we were talking about foods that will give me energy? Exactly. As you know, over 2/3 of our body is made up of water, we need it to keep us functioning so it is only natural that a lack of water will have a negative impact on our health and energy level. 

Take a glass or two in the morning before breakfast to ensure you start the day well-hydrated. If you feel hungry inbetween meals, chances are your body is actually just thirsty, so try drinking some water before getting something to eat. Studies have also shown that even slight dehydration can impact our concentration and energy-levels, so being well-hydrated is basic when you are searching for ways to get more energized.

A good idea is having your refillable water bottle on your desk and drinking 1-2 bottles during your work day. Having the bottle close to you helps you remember to stay hydrated during office hours. 


There are plenty of other foods that provide a great source of healthy, long-lasting energy, but above ones already provide you with a good selection to get started. There are options for snacks and main-dishes, all with low time-effort, as time is something we all tend to be short of. So let’s reduce the number of chocolate bars and coffees and increase the “good” energy sources.

By the way, if you are interested in supplementing your diet, take a look at the ABC packs providing you with a great vegan way to improve your acid-base-balance and digestion and get plenty of antioxidants. If you are having a hard time preparing a quick and nutritious lunch that is easy to take along or are looking for ways to lose weight, consider this plant-based meal replacement with only 200 kcal, providing you with all the nutrients you need. 

If you are stressed and need some advice to relax, check out my 5 tips how to calm down for exhausted Mums.

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