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The UN Sustainable Development Goals – Much more than climate change

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When we talk about sustainability, we mostly refer to natural resources, recycling and environmental damages. However, sustainability is much more than that. 

In fact, in 2015, the UN set up 17 Sustainable Development Goals in order to create “a better and more sustainable future for all”. The goals go hand in hand and have a global context. Progress has been made in many areas, however the pandemic has reversed many advancements. And yet, achieving these goals is crucial to guarantee a better and more sustainable future for all of us. 

Do you know which goals are included in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Let’s have a look. You might get some ideas how to support some of them and set goals for yourself for the next year!

1. No Poverty

Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.

Did you know that around 10% or the world population live in extreme poverty? This means they are struggling for the most basic things like clean water, food or sanitation. Even more dramatic are the numbers when looking at children: 1 out of 5 children live in extreme poverty. Shocking, right? And the pandemic actually risks to reverse improvements that had been made in this field in the last decades, with Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa expected to be the most impacted regions.

2. Zero Hunger

The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.

Latest estimations show that 8.9% of the world population suffer from hunger. World population is growing and with it the need to feed every time more people. There is a huge need for sustainable food production in order to reduce hunger in the world.

3. Good Health and Well-being

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

Progress had been made in increasing life-expectancy and reducing child and maternal mortality. However, yet again, the pandemic has put more people at risk here, showing the disparity between “rich” countries with prepared health systems and possibilities to reduce the economic impact and countries that are hardly able to cope with the challenges the global health crisis presents.

4. Quality Education

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

Attending school is something completely normal for children in Europe, however in many countries this is not the case, especially for girls. The pandemic, however, has led to school closures in many countries, bringing to evidence the differences between children having access to technology for homeschooling and children without the needed resources.  

Education is key to escape poverty and access certain job levels.

5. Gender Equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

Early marriage, sexual abuse, underrepresentation in leadership positions, no access to education – these are only some of the topics to be tackled. Providing the same rights no matter the gender is key to build a more just and balanced world.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in.

Opening a bottle of water or washing your hands is not something self-evident in all the countries, and especially in rural areas. 1 in 3 people have no access to safe drinking water, and 2 of 5  have no access to basic hand-washing facilities. In times of COVID-19, where frequent hand-washing is key, this is especially of concern. 

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

Progress has been made in this field, with more renewable energy becoming available and increased restrictions on contaminating sources. However, 13% of the world’s population still lack access to modern electricity – and this is not limited to development countries.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

Sustained and inclusive economic growth can drive progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards. 

Pay gender gap, decent wages, safe working conditions, fair contracts are just some of the topics that need to be ensured. Reducing unemployment, access for underrepresented groups to the labor market and a focus on high-value added sectors are some other key areas to work on. 

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and income. They play a key role in introducing and promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources. “

10. Reduced Inequalities

To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

Inequality exists within and among countries, communities, generations, genders, etc. All over the world there are people that are treated differently just because of their race, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, income, gender, age etc. 

As was expected, the pandemic has hit the most vulnerable communities the hardest.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

Did you know that there are estimations that predict that by 2030 60% of the world’s population will live in cities? Some of the challenges are missing infrastructure and housing for such a fast growth and increasing waste and pollution, and on the other side the rural parts of the countries are left behind. 

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

Food waste, excess of energy consumption and limited resources are some but not all of the topics to be tackled in this context. Is it necessary to put on the air-conditioning at full speed at 28 degrees? Do we need to shower 3 times a day? Do we need to wash every day with the washing machine half empty? There are many ways to support a more responsible consumption.

13. Climate Action

 Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.
Shockingly, “2019 was the second warmest year on record and the end of the warmest decade (2010- 2019) ever recorded.” Rising sea levels and extreme temperatures or weather phenomenon alert that we are destroying our planet. Everybody has to contribute his part to at least slow down the speed of climate change.

14. Life Below Water

Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future.

Pollution of the sea and overfishing are two of the most known issues when thinking about the ocean and sustainability. However, in a broader context, the sea regulates weather, climate, access to drinking water, habitable areas and much more. More protected marine areas are needed as well as mechanisms to control that the laws are obeyed.

15. Life On Land

Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.

Did you know that mankind “has altered almost 75% per cent of the earth’s surface”? This means that plants and wildlife have every time less space, leading to clashes between humans and animals which result in extinction of many animals and plants. Mankind suffers as well from this, the transmission of virus from animals to humans as has happened with the COVID-19 is just one example. A healthy nature is crucial to keep us alive, to breathe, drink and eat. 

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

War, persecution and the lack of access to protection are nothing new to a wide part of the population. Corruption prevents in lots of countries that the weakest receive urgently needed help, support and protection. In many parts of the world people have to leave their countries due to one of these reasons. 

17. Partnerships for the Goals

Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

These goals cannot be achieved by a bunch of countries or individuals. Countries with financial strength need to provide support to the ones struggling, and cooperation needs to be ensured at all levels within and among countries.

Isn’t it interesting how everything goes hand in hand? Everything is connected in our global world, what we do on one end has an impact on another, and we all must work together in order to build a better future for everyone. 

Have you gotten any idea which goal you would like to support or are actually already supporting without knowing it? With a new year approaching, now is a great moment to take a moment to think about this.

See you soon!

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